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Experts’ Speak - Protect Our Livelihood - Page 2

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The FM has announced an Agri-Focused Accelerator Fund. She also talked of creating digital public infrastructure for agriculture as an open-source, open-standard and interoperable public good... These are steps in the right direction but we have to see how much funds are allocated under these schemes.
Doles to development by Ashok Gulati and Ritika Juneja, The Indian Express, February 6, 2023 Know More
“Agriculture 4.0, a considerably more advanced variant of precision farming, has the potential to transform the traditional farming industry. It refers to the use of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence, and robotics, to extend, accelerate, and improve the efficiency of activities throughout the entire production chain.”
Agriculture 4.0 is a potential solution to meet food and climate goals By Mohit Kapoor, Forbes India, January 18, 2023. Know More
Nutritional advantages apart, millets are hardy and drought-resistant crops. This has to do with their short duration (70-100) days, against 115-150 days for rice and wheat), lower water requirement (350-500 mm versus 600-1,250 mm) and ability to grow even on poor soils and in hilly terrain. However, millets are not the first choice either of consumers or of farmers.
The Millets Manifesto by Harish Damodaran, The Indian Express, January 2, 2023 Know More
The rice area in India has shown a mild shift, both temporally and spatially — from the rain-fed eastern belt to the drier north-west, served by controlled irrigation — despite a declining trend of rainfall observed in both the regions. The shift is part of the broader changes in land use.
Climatic Trends, Cropping Pattern Shifts, and Migration of Rice in India by Nilabja Ghosh, Mayanglambam Rajeshwor & Amritanshi Preeti, Economic & Political Weekly, November 19, 2022 Know More
The agriculture for tomorrow is going to be science-based, and the winners will be those who adopt it and develop it further today. Innovation is the name of the game, and “Jai Anusandhan” is a good slogan given by PM Modi. But it will have meaning only when the government goes ahead with not just GM Mustard but also fast-tracks Ht Bt cotton, Bt Brinjal, and even GM soya and corn.
Why India cannot afford to ignore the GM crop revolution by Ashok Gulati and Ritika Juneja, The Indian Express, November 14, 2022 Know More
While agriculture gets severely impacted by climate change, it also leads to almost 28 per cent of the global greenhouse gas (CHG) emissions thus contributing to global warming. So, it is time to invest not only in climate adaption strategies but also re-work our policies that can mitigate GHG emissions for agriculture. The net zero carbon target seems an ambitious one. Though a bit late, it can serve humanity well, if sincerely implemented and this planet can still feed more than 10 billion people.
Feeding People, Saving planet by Ashok Gulati, The Indian Express, October 17, 2022 Know More
It is this science of precision farming that can give us “more from less”. The innovations and developments in GIS (Geographical Information System), AIML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), which can use enormous data to bring about precision in farming, use of sensors, drones, doves, and LEOs (low earth orbits), space technologies, cloud computing, are all bursting out to provide the basis for a revolutionary epoch. Drips, hydroponics, and aeroponics, vertical farming, are all available for mankind to get much more with very little exploitation of the planet’s natural resource endowment
Precision farming needs to be promoted to get more output with less exploitation of natural resources by Ashok Gulati, The Indian Express, 5th September 2022 Know More
There is a lot of scope for R&D in agriculture, especially in the development of high-yielding seeds, creation of an efficient plant disease forecast system, and effective post-harvest management. While national food security is important, there’s a need to focus on value-added exports in food processing.
How India can give a boost to agri exports by S. Chandramohan, The Hindu Business Line, August 9, 2022 Know More
Export bans on food items show somewhat irresponsible behaviour at the global level, unless there is some major calamity in the country concerned. India is in a fortunate situation that for food, it is largely self-reliant, except in the case of edible oils where it imports 55-60 per cent of its consumption. Think about how India felt when Indonesia banned exports of its palm oil.
Why rice and wheat bans aren’t the answer to inflation by Ashok Gulati and Ritika Juneja, The Indian Express, July 4, 2022 Know More
India has identified 2.8 million hectares of area where oil palm can be grown suitably. So far the objective of NEOM-OP [the National Edible Oil Mission - Oil Palm] is to bring in at least 1 million hectare under oil palm by 2025-26. Given the way international prices of edible oils have surged in the last year or so (by more than 70 per cent), it may be time for India to ramp up its efforts in developing oil palm.
An oil palm plan for home by Ashok Gulati and Ritika Juneja, The Indian Express, June 20, 2022 Know More